Services Title Monitoring

Digital Home Shield monitoring services come with real US based customer support.

Title Fraud On The Rise

Recent news sources state that FBI reports show real estate fraud is one of the fastest growing cyber crimes in America. Even before the pandemic records were going digital with the pandemic online and digital filings have surged and become the norm. Because of this fraudsters have found new ways to take advantage of home owners like yourself. It is very easy for someone to get a copy of your home title and with that your signature that it is typically on the title. They can then fraudulently notarize a title change document using your own signature to sign your home away and file it electronically.

Protecting Your Title

We are here to stop that. Digital Home Shield will have your back through every second of your homeowner-ship. With monitoring of your titles and alerts at your disposal, rest easy knowing you have a team of individuals who care about you, your family, and the homes you’ve grown to love. With a dedicated team of individuals who care deeply about this problem we’ve properly prepared ourselves for this recent rise in cybercrime. We’ve not only wanted to solve this problem, but make it affordable for all homeowners. Protect yourself with the proper team.

How It Works

Thieves all across the internet both domestic and foreign spend hours a day online looking tenaciously for vulnerable homeowners with equity. This could be the home you're living in, your parents house you grew up in, or grandma's house where you spent your winter holidays. They look to change the ownership to your property. Once they've changed the name they file a quitclaim deed on your home and make it appear as though you've legally sold your home. They take out loans in your name and take all the equity in your property. You likely won't know until it's too late.


As technology developed and more of our information and processes moved online new threats to homeowners began to surface. One of those threats was title theft. With important documents like deeds now being accessed digitally fraudsters are able to get important information and even signatures. Allowing all sorts of fraud. Digital Home Shield has developed services to protect homeowners from these threats.


Title Monitoring Service Details Click To Order

  • Client Portal:
  • Title Scans: Weekly
  • Alerts: Text & Email
  • Customer Support:
  • Scan History:
  • Title Record:
  • Instant Scans:
  • Help Resources:
  • Restoration Tools:
Client Portal

Gives you access to your service. You can update your profile, set your alert preferences and even cancel your service. The portal also shows you the results of your title scans as well as the current details of your title.

Title Scans

A title scan is when we scan county recordings, public data and other data sources to see what information about your title is currently on record. We then compare that information to a title record to detect changes.


If we detect any changes or any unusual activity we will send you an alert so that you can take immediate action. If caught earlier most issues can be resolved easily without much damage.

Don't Leave Your Home Unprotected

Everything has moved to the digital space. If you're anything like most Americans, you haven't taken all of the proper steps necessary to protect you and your loved ones from the new types of crimes being created every day. Monitoring your title not only protects you from the crimes that we know about today that are actively happening to homeowners, but you'll be protected from future tricks and schemes we are currently unaware of. Take the power of your security in your own hands and protect the assets you and your loved ones care so deeply for.