Services Scam Monitoring

Digital Home Shield monitoring services come with real US based customer support.

Real Estate Scams Increasing

Scammers have been taking advantage of digital technology since the earl days with Craigslist scams. They haven't stopped and with more and more digital services like AirBnB scammers have found even more ways to take advantage. From renting out a house without the owners permission to even selling a home out right in a for sale by owner transaction. AirBnB allows scammers to impersonate a real estate agent and show the home that they rented as if it were for sale. After which they make take a deposit or a down payment. Some of these scams can come back to cause the homeowner problems.

Protecting You From Scams

We have developed special software that can find if your home is being used not just by address but also utilizing cutting edge image recognition technology. We monitor all major real estate related sites and services to make sure your home isn't being used. We also have specialists, information and tools to help you remove your homes information from websites like Zillow and Realtor. Even the images of your home can be used for scams or to just help burglars find entry points and weaknesses in your homes security.


User-Friendly Interface: Accessing and managing your Change of Address Monitoring service is easy through our user-friendly online portal. You can customize your monitoring settings, update your preferences, and review address change notifications conveniently.


We understand the importance of data security and privacy. Your personal information is handled with the utmost care and stored in a secure environment. We employ industry-standard encryption and follow strict protocols to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.


Scam Monitoring Service Details Click To Order

  • Client Portal:
  • Scans: Daily
  • Alerts: Text & Email
  • Customer Support:
  • Scan History:
  • Scam Record:
  • Instant Scans:
  • Help Resources:
  • Restoration Tools:
Client Portal

Gives you access to your service. You can update your profile, set your alert preferences and even cancel your service. The portal also shows you the results of your scans as well as the current details.


A scan is when we scan real estate websites, craigslist, facebook marketplace, AirBnB and many more websites using our custom software that can also use images of your home as well in case address or other details aren't being used.


If we detect any usuage or unusual activity we will send you an alert so that you can take immediate action. If caught earlier most issues can be resolved easily without much damage.

Don't Leave Your Home Unprotected

Everything has moved to the digital space. If you're anything like most Americans, you haven't taken all of the proper steps necessary to protect you and your loved ones from the new types of crimes being created every day. Monitoring your title not only protects you from the crimes that we know about today that are actively happening to homeowners, but you'll be protected from future tricks and schemes we are currently unaware of. Take the power of your security in your own hands and protect the assets you and your loved ones care so deeply for.