Services Safety Monitoring

Digital Home Shield monitoring services come with real US based customer support.

Knowledge Is Power

At times the digital world can help protect your safety in the physical world. Our safety monitoring service is designed to find and alert you about these threats that could cause physical harm. From issues with your water quality to crime and helping you remove images and other info on your home that help thieves and burglars find ways to break into your home.

Staying Protected

We have developed special software to monitor analysis public data and information sources from the EPA and your local water treatment plant to contaminated superfund sites. There have been to many times people have been impacted by contamination and other disasters or dumpings. It can even be too much to count on the government to make sure we have clean water to drink. A lot of this information gets reported or leaked digitally long before the average homeowner learns about it.

How It Works

Timely Notifications: We monitor public reports and data from reliable sources regarding water and other contamination's in your area. If any reported issues or potential risks are identified, we promptly notify you, ensuring you stay up-to-date on water quality concerns.


Proactive Awareness: By receiving timely alerts about reported contamination's, you can take proactive measures to address any potential risks to your drinking water. This empowers you to make informed decisions regarding the safety and quality of your water supply.


Actionable Information: Along with notifications, we provide you with relevant information about the reported contamination's. This includes details on the contaminants involved, possible health implications, recommended precautions, and available resources for further assistance.

Safety Monitoring Service Details Click To Order

  • Client Portal:
  • Scans: Daily
  • Alerts: Text & Email
  • Customer Support:
  • Scan History:
  • Safety Record:
  • Instant Scans:
  • Help Resources:
Client Portal

Gives you access to your service. You can update your profile, set your alert preferences and even cancel your service. The portal also shows you the results of your scans as well as the current details.


A scan is when we scan public reports, databases, public information and other resources to see if there are any threats to your safety..


If we detect any threat or concern we will send you an alert so that you can take immediate action to protect your safety.

Don't Leave Your Home Unprotected

Everything has moved to the digital space. If you're anything like most Americans, you haven't taken all of the proper steps necessary to protect you and your loved ones from the new types of crimes being created every day. Monitoring your title not only protects you from the crimes that we know about today that are actively happening to homeowners, but you'll be protected from future tricks and schemes we are currently unaware of. Take the power of your security in your own hands and protect the assets you and your loved ones care so deeply for.